Get Healthy DeSoto enthusiastically executes its mission…
To make a long-lasting positive impact on the health and safety of our community by encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, through programs promoting physical activity, healthy nutrition, weight control and disease and injury prevention.
This has been the mission of Get Healthy DeSoto from its inception, and as we see it in motion, we remain steadfast in its worth to the De Soto community.
Our vision for De Soto is a community where families have access to quality age appropriate physical fitness equipment, to physical fitness activities, to fresh local produce, to food production (in the form of community gardens), to safe walkways, and to eating establishments with healthy food alternatives. We envision a community with high standards in healthy living, a community whose residents embrace healthy lifestyle choices, a community revered by neighboring communities, and a community that others emulate.
The great part is………..we have already made great strides in achieving it! (See our History page for details on our accomplishments).
One of our most successful programs is De Soto Farmers’ Market, established in 2009. The mission of DFM is “to provide access to fresh local produce and artisans in an environment that encourages healthy eating, healthy living and fosters community connections.”
Get Healthy DeSoto and DFM are working toward a healthier tomorrow for the De Soto community.