Get Healthy DeSoto has many ongoing programs promoting physical activity, healthy nutrition, weight control and disease and injury prevention. Programs facilitated by GHD include our Community Garden, De Soto Farmers’ Market, and the annual Better Body Challenge.

The Better Body Challenge is a 10 week weight-loss competition. It is an annual event for GHD. We do not encourage diets! We do encourage a healthy lifestyle change through nutrition and exercise. Kick-off for the event is in January (check our events page for the start date). It includes a weigh-in, chest, waist, and hip measurements, BMI, and photograph. Kick-off also includes a health fair continuing all evening. This past year we had multiple vendors at the health fair. Over 80 people participated in 2015. Winners were selected on the largest percentage of weight-loss during the competition.

Healthy Lunch and Learn Seminars are offered to the community as requested. These allow members an opportunity to partake of a healthy meal while learning about health related topics. Past topics include organic gardening, long distance running, and food processing. Speakers are chosen for their expertise on the month’s topic.

Please check this page periodically for updates on programs. We often facilitate walking and exercise classes, such as Zumba. When these are available they will be mentioned in our weekly newsletter and added to our blog. We hope you will join us for some of our programs/activities!