Trivia Night 2025

…having a long-lasting positive impact on the health and safety of the De Soto community by encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, through programs promoting physical activity, healthy nutrition, community involvement, and disease and injury prevention.
Take your pizza making experience to the next level by making Grilled Pizzas with pizza dough, and your choice of pizza sauce and toppings!
Children can be helpful in the kitchen and the meal planning process starting at a young age. Introducing them to grocery shopping and cooking early on can help them feel comfortable with more foods and will give them lifelong skills, too! Knowing what to put on a grocery list, how to shop the different layouts of stores, and budgeting can be very helpful; and it can make the grocery store trip a little easier. Try these 5 tips today!
Find the tips here:
For many of us, the last few years have blurred the lines between work and home. Chronic stress and burnout are on the rise, but with simple strategies for scheduling breaks, building boundaries, and winding down your workday, you can reduce stress and reclaim your inner calm.
Keep daily stress in check with planned pauses in your workday for standing, stretching, and breathing. These simple activities have an immediate calming effect for the body and mind. Try deep breathing for just one minute and end with an easy stretch. Repeat as needed to refresh and refocus.
It’s easy to get caught up in today’s culture of busyness and anchor our self-worth around a packed to-do list. This is unsustainable and can lead to burnout. Be honest with yourself about your workload. Set a reasonable schedule and let that be your guide. Commit to your boundaries and don’t be afraid to say no to unnecessary meetings.
Just as your phone needs to recharge after constant use, so does your brain. It’s important to mentally shut off from work mode and let your mind unwind. A quick meditation can help you close out each day to shift your focus to restorative activities like connecting with others or getting a good night’s rest.
It’s easy with Double Up Food Bucks. Stretch your food dollars for more fruits and vegetables. Here’s how it works:
Please note: our tokens this season will be aqua colored. Tokens are only interchangeable at markets using the same color tokens.
Have questions? Email or contact us!
520 N. Main Rd.
DeSoto, MO 63020