Interested in using the market for an event? Email [email protected] for more information.
De Soto Farmers’ Market, one of Get Healthy DeSoto’s most successful programs, was established in March 2009. It serves De Soto and the surrounding area and communities.
In De Soto, 15.6% of families live below the poverty level and, according to a needs assessment, conducted in 2007 by the Jefferson County Health Department and Get Healthy De Soto, only 22% of De Soto adults eat two or more fruits and vegetables per day. This is despite research indicating the positive impact of fruit and vegetable intake.
De Soto Farmers’ Market was established in large part to address the above needs and to increase access to locally grown fruits and vegetables. Fresh produce at the market is grown within a 75 mile radius of De Soto.
The market is a collaboration of Get Healthy De Soto, City of De Soto, Missouri Extension, Jefferson County Health Department and local farmers. It was the first and is the only farmers’ market in the De Soto region.
De Soto Farmers’ Market’s mission is “to provide access to fresh local produce and artisans in an environment that encourages healthy eating, healthy living and fosters community connections.”
For more detailed information about the market, see our Market Hours & Events page. If you would like to see photographs from the market, you don’t want to miss our Market Photos page. And to become a market friend, by making a donation or becoming a market sponsor, please visit our Fundraising page for more information.

The market has been hugely successful at bringing farmers and other vendors together in an easily accessible community location, increasing the availability of fresh, affordable produce to the residents of De Soto and surrounding areas, and offering growers a new outlet for their products.
Since the market opened in 2009, its sponsor level and vendor level have steadily increased. Additionally, DFM was recognized by the Missouri Department of Agriculture in 2010 when it received an award for Best Special Event and one for Market Champion. The market added a 10 x 10 storage shed, one bandstand, and a “little red barn” storefront for the 2011 market season. In 2016, the market started a new chapter and moved to 520 North Main Street. The location is a great spot for all the wonderful produce and vendors. It is still the Saturday morning place to be.
Additionally, some communities in the area have already modeled programs after DFM success, including Crystal City, Arnold, and St. Clair’s farmers’ markets. The success of our market can only impact neighboring communities in a positive way. Residents of neighboring communities are welcome at our market and are encouraged to model programs after ours.
Become a Market Friend:
De Soto Farmers’ Market has clearly made great strides and will continue to do so with the help of all of market friends. De Soto Farmers’ Market is a volunteer project sponsored by Get Healthy DeSoto, a local nonprofit, but nothing in life is free.
Please help us cover operating expenses and grow the De Soto Farmers’ Market with a sponsorship or a donation. Your tax deductible donation will foster sustainable economic development and build a stronger tie between local food producers/artisans and consumers.
Donations can be made online, in person on market days, or made out to De Soto Farmers’ Market and mailed to:
520 N. Main St.
De Soto MO 63020
Also, please consider supporting your community by shopping at De Soto Farmers’ Market. We look forward to meeting you at the “Best Place to be on Saturday Morning”!