They’re here! Well, at least nearby…
There are lots of questions about the vaccine for COVID-19 and when it will become available. Pretty graphics show tiers and when they will likely get vaccinated, but pretty graphics aren’t a shot in the arm! You should consider getting on a list for updates from 2 places:

- Jefferson County Health Department-there’s a Vaccine Info Request Form where you answer 20 questions that allow them to determine which tier you’re in and also allows them to contact you when that tier can begin being vaccinated so you can learn about how to schedule an appointment.
- Mercy Hospitals-you can also sign up for alerts through Mercy. The same general procedure is followed. When vaccines become available for your tier, they will let you know based on the contact information you provide.
It can all be a bit overwhelming, so consider gathering information from multiple sources. The two above are good, and you can also check out the state’s site about the vaccine. It has a specific section for facts about the vaccine: is it safe, what are the ingredients in the vaccine, should I get the vaccine if I’ve already had COVID-19…

You can see the facts page here.
And for those that have already received their vaccine (remember, you need 2 doses), you might find this video from the Mayo Clinic helpful. Basically, wash your hands and wear a mask, but Dr. Badley does a good job of explaining why.
Stay healthy!
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