Before completing the application below, please read the 2025 Rules and Regulations for our market. These rules are vital to the success of our market by ensuring that we are a producer-only market. There are specific rules that vendors must follow, and these are outlined in the Rules and Regulations. Some rules are specific to our market, and others are a result of our compliance with our local health department. Our relationship with a vendor will be severed if a vendor does not adhere to the rules of the market. Any questions can be directed to the Market Manager.
You must have the following to complete an application:
Business name and contact information.
An electronic copy (jpeg, png, pdf) of proof of insurance for the vehicle you will be driving onto the market property.
At least one photo of your products.
Your application will not be submitted until you click the “submit” button at the bottom of the form. Your application will not be considered “complete” until the $15 application fee is paid. Please use the Clover link below or Mail Checks made out to “Get Healthy De Soto” to: 520 N. Main Street De Soto, MO 63601
If you would prefer a paper application you may print one 2025 Vendor Application – Paper
2025 App Fee $15.00For all Producer vendors the DUFB Agreement here. Fill it out, save, and then mail to 520 N. Main St. De Soto, MO 63020 OR drop here:
De Soto Farmers’ Market, in partnership with University of Missouri Extension and Jefferson County Health Department, offer various vendor workshops on topics ranging from good farming practices to marketing and business solutions. Please check our FACEBOOK PAGE regularly for dates and times of vendor workshops.
Vendor Resources
- Missouri Farmers’ Market Association-our statewide organization promoting and assisting farmers’ markets.
- Farmers Market Coalition Resource Library-This site has a lot of free information and examples from markets across the nation.
- AgriMissouri-For information about the Missouri Farmers’ Market Association and markets in Missouri.
- Marketing to Food Retailers-This PDF comes from University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and has great information about getting your products into the grocers’ produce section.
- Creating a Winning Display for Your Farm Products-Another PDF, but this one comes from University of Wisconsin Extension and is all about setting up an eye-pleasing display at the market.
- Growing for Market-This website lists some free resources for farmers that are selling at farmers’ markets. There’s also more information available if you subscribe to their print publications, but you can search the classified section to check out planting and farming tools that are for sale.