This fabulously sophisticated event has wonderful grassroots support. There are several levels of sponsorship if you would like to join the dedicated tribe that makes this fundraiser such a success.
Happy Harvest—$500
- Two dinner tickets
- Verbal recognition during the event
- Name/Logo on the event menu and event poster
- Recognition via social media during pre/post event marketing
- Recognition on the Get Healthy De Soto website to include a link to your website
Beautiful Blossoms—$250
- Verbal recognition during the event
- Name/ Logo on the event menu and event poster
- Recognition via social media during pre/post event marketing
- Recognition on the Get Healthy De Soto website to include a link to your website
Vigorous Verdure—$125
- Verbal recognition during the event
- Name/Logo on the event menu and event poster
- Recognition via social media during pre/post event marketing
Resilient Roots—$50
- Verbal recognition during the event
- Name/Logo on the event menu and event poster
The sponsorship form is located here.