It’s time to head outside!
My husband is counting the days until Monday. That’s when the spring turkey season opens in Missouri, and he gets to stalk birds through the woods. I appreciate that he does this, but it is too cold for me. Yes, I might run 3 miles when it is 30 degrees, but walking or sitting for any length of time outside on a cold morning trying to catch site of a “thunder chicken” isn’t my idea of a good time.

April marks the beginning of many new things in Missouri, and my husband always catches site of some of the treasured fungus. He sees morel hunters with their orange mesh bags while he’s out in the woods. If morel hunting is something you’d like to do, but aren’t sure about how to get started and would like to avoid eating a potentially hazardous fungus, consider tagging along with an experience mushroom hunter or checking with the Missouri Conservation Department about upcoming classes offered. They usually do several mushroom workshops during the spring.
Something else that also begins in April and continues through the warm months is the start of nicer weather for fishing. I was just talking to someone the other day about wading in the White River and fishing for smallies (smallmouth bass) in the spring with top-water baits when the water is nice and clear. You can do that same thing in the Joachim; just make sure you avoid trespassing.
Another idea is to take your kids fishing. Even if it is something you have never done, you can learn and have a ton of fun. A small lake, lawn chair, ultralight tackle, and bait are about all you need to try your hand at bluegill fishing. Crickets are our preferred bait for those, and you can find information online about how to hook the cricket, cast, and clean fish. If you’ve never fished before, its a perfect chance to learn right along with your kids.

It can be an expensive sport, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re short on equipment or just want to try it before you decide if you like it, the DeSoto Public Library has a new program where you can checkout fishing equipment. They have rod/reel combos and a small tackle box. All you need then is a library card and bait!
Go check out their Zebco 33s and give it a shot.
The free fishing weekend in Missouri is the Saturday and Sunday after the first Monday of June. That’s when you can fish without a fishing license across the state. You can learn more about that here.
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