Here are some tips for staying healthy during the holidays and throughout the winter. Keeping your regular screenings with your doctor and getting recommended vaccines is a great start, and these tips can keep you on-track throughout the holiday season.

- Nutrition – Eat well, avoiding too much sugar. That’s easier said than done with all the Christmas cookies and candies that have already been assembled in most kitchens. Try to plan your treats though so you can anticipate the indulgence instead of dreading it.
- Pay attention to your hunger cues, and try to determine why you might crave a certain item. According to Miriam Chang MS, RDN, “Maybe you needed to address biological hunger, maybe you’re really not that hungry, maybe it’s nostalgia or maybe it just tastes good!” Assessing your motivation can help you be proactive rather than reactive. Try savoring a holiday treat from a place of choice versus shame or guilt.
- Remember why we celebrate. Although a great many holiday traditions revolve around the kitchen, there are other things to look forward to, whether it is time with family, time off work, Christmas light displays, or special programs. Recognizing the things enjoyed that aren’t food related can help the holidays seem less daunting. You might think of ways you can treat yourself that doesn’t include food.
- Move – Stick to your workout routines as much as possible. You might even try incorporating activity into your holiday tradition; perhaps a winter walk or game of catch before dinner.
- And when you fall off the wagon, get back on! There will be days with questionable decisions related to nutrition and physical activity. Focus on what you can do to right the ship. Small steps can help you get back on track.