The Tractor Parade will be April 25, 2015. It will be at 10:00 AM, and if you plan on bringing your tractor, you need to get there by 9:30 AM to line up. The Little League will be co-opting our parade, and we love having them. For this reason, if you’re planning on bringing a horse or other livestock, you’ll need to line-up behind the teams and bring appropriate tools for street clean-up. (As unpleasant as that is to consider while typing, I can only imagine how unpleasant the actual “clean-up” will be.)
Lineup will be on Frederica by Mahn’s Funeral Home. The route be south along Main St. and will stop at the Culwell Stadium at the De Soto School where all vendors should proceed back to St. Andrew’s to be ready for Market immediately following the parade. In order to participate in the parade, entries must be decorated and advertise the De Soto Farmers’ Market. Your business or product for the Farmers’ Market may also be part of your entry. Select the link below to access the entry form.
DFM Tractor Parade Applicaiton 2014
We are thankful for Pat Matheny who has agreed to organize our festive parade. We’ll begin selling plants at the market (and possibly other goods too) as soon as vendors have a chance to get to the market! We’re hopeful this will be around 11:00 AM. We hope to see you at the parade and at the market! I’ll be walking around handing out goodies, so be sure to flag me down.