Our workshops are designed for existing vendors, prospective market vendors, and the general public.
Come learn with us!
Market 101

March 12—Market 101 | 10am–12pm with Dawna Watkins | Cost: $15/ participant (Fee will be applied to 2022 application fee for market.) This is an overview of the market and vendor planning tips for anyone looking to be a new vendor at the market or vendors who want tips on improving their booth space. Topics covered will be: filling out the online application, customer interaction, product placement and table layout, signage and reviewing the 2022 Rules and Regulations.
Kid’s Market Class
March 12—Kid’s Market Class | 1pm-2:30pm with Dawna Watkins | Cost: $15/participant (Fee will be applied to 2022 application fee and 2 booth rental fees on Kids’ Mart days in 2022.) This class for all kids 16 and under who wish to be apart of our once monthly Kid’s Mart at the DFM. We are asking any kids who wishes to sell at the DFM 2022 Kid’s Mart weeks sign-up for this class. This class will talk about what you need at the market, how to sell your items, how to talk to customers, and planning a budget.