The Winter Flakes Race is experiencing some changes. Most of them are positive, unless you’re a 10K runner who anticipates a fairly flat course. (More about that some other time…like after the race!) Here are the basics:
- There’s a new course! We will start and end at the DeSoto Farmers’ Market pavilion. This is exciting news. See point 3.
- We have a new Diamond Sponsor! D & S Fencing is our Diamond Sponsor this year. They are great supporters of local events and organizations, and we’re lucky to partner with them this year. If you have a fencing need, give them a shout.
- Do you know what is right next door to the DeSoto Farmers’ Market? Kozzy’s on Main. And Rodney, the proprietor, has agreed to open up the place for packet pick-up on Friday evening before the race and after the race on Saturday as well. In fact, on Saturday, your race bag might contain a coupon that gets you a free cup of hot cocoa or a free beer (depending on your age and preference). Okay, forget the might. He agreed to it, so you’ll find a coupon in your race bag for that. Don’t lose it!
- The last day to register for the race and be guaranteed the long-sleeved t-shirt and get the early bird discount is February 18, 2023. You can register online and get further details here.

My team is unable to attend the Winter Flakes Race, is there anyway you can mail our t-shirts? I will pay for postage just let me know how much and where to send the money. There are three of us, Jessica and Chase Aebischer and Barb Watson. Thank you for your help, my daughter broke a rib coughing from Covid and can barely walk. Sincerely, Barb Watson