Your time playing a cowboy is now paying off!

In the past week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed their recommendation about the use of face coverings in an effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. [Insert your best John Wayne comment here.] The recommendation is for the public to wear a mask while going out. This is a change from their previous guidelines, and it seems like the shift is mainly focused on places with high levels of community transmitted COVID-19.

The recommendation does not extend the need for surgical masks or N-95 masks to be worn by the general public. Instead, the public is asked to wear homemade masks when going out to run their essential errands; grocery shopping and work (depending on your work environment) would both fall into this category. Cowboys…well, you should already have your bandanna ready! And as with so many changes during the crisis, communication is key.
Bring on the make-a-mask videos!
That’s right; the internet is now flooded with instructional videos about how to make your own masks. There are no-sew versions and others that require needle and thread. In fact, the CDC has instructions and recommendations for fabric and supplies that you might find useful. They also let the Surgeon General make his own mask and recorded it for all to see.
I know! His mask doesn’t qualify him to be a bandit in your childhood games. It might keep you from inadvertently contracting COVID-19 though and help you survive all of this. That will give you a chance to teach your grandchild the art of being a proper bandit or a cowboy in a dust storm! Now is definitely the time to circle the wagons.