I had a co-worker who worked on a cruise ship during the summers as part of a theatrical crew. She told me the story about the day after their last production in a 2-month stint. Every member of the crew, after all the work, time cooped up in close-quarters, and stress of putting on 2 and 3 productions each night, was down for the count. They all contracted some sort of bug, and she recalled them all leaving the ship at the end of their run with tissues in every pocket, red eyes, and coughs that made smokers cringe.
Most of us will go through the holidays with more stress, more errands, less sleep, and a less-than-stellar diet. As soon as we give our bodies permission though, we will have to have some down time. For many, our bodies don’t wait for that permission, and we just get run down to the point of being more susceptible to illness. Then, we get sick and have down time, whether we want to or not!

In addition to everything else happening right now, it is also flu season. If you haven’t received your flu shot, now is a good time to get one! If you still get the flu or can’t get vaccinated, below are some foods and drinks that can help you recover or at least feel better when battling the flu. (It also works for other illnesses that share symptoms.)
- Bone broth-the warm liquid can help with hydration, but it also provides vitamins and protein.
- Honey-my dad always mixed it with lemon juice and Canadian whiskey for sore throats. (Sipping that as a child when I was sick is probably why I’m not an alcoholic; yuck!) The honey does help sooth sore throats, so try it…in tea or by itself.
- Garlic-the vampire deterrent is also a known antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory item!
- Ginger-because it has some anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce some of the aches that are associated with the flu. You can ingest it by using it in stir fry. You might also try ginger tea, which can help settle an upset stomach too.
- Water-you need to stay hydrated, and regular water is the simplest way to do that. Not into plain water? If you’re sick and can’t taste anything anyway, it shouldn’t matter.
To learn more about nutrition that can help you recover from colds and the flu, check out full list at Total Wellness.