If you haven’t checked over your vehicle for the cold weather, here’s your reminder. Getting stranded is never fun, and there can be life-changing consequences. Be prepared!

Vehicle Emergency Kit
- Blanket
- Cell phone and charger
- Food (e.g., shelf-stable items like granola bars and packaged nuts)
- Medicine and first aid kit
- Shovel and salt, kitty litter or sand (something to give you grip if you get stuck)
- Ice scraper and brush
- Jumper cables
- Flashlight and flares
- Extra warm clothes
- Toilet paper and plastic bags or containers (for sanitation)
Vehicle Preparedness
- Always have at least one-half tank of fuel in your vehicle during the winter
- Service the radiator and maintain antifreeze level
- Never use cruise control while driving on slippery surfaces, such as ice or snow
- Never warm up your car in an enclosed area such as a garage
- Keep your windshield wiper fluid filled
- Check your tire pressure and tread
- Make sure your vehicle is serviced before you travel and check for recalls