The De Soto Farmers’ Market is preparing for a great market season in 2019! To start things off right, we are holding the De Soto Farmers’ Market Trivia Night on February 23rd from 6:30-10:00 PM in the upper level of the K.C. Hall. The theme this year: Can You Come Out to Play! We hope you will consider being a sponsor or join us for this evening of trivia. A great time is sure to be had, and we’ll be repeating some of our successes from 2018 and bringing some new delights into 2019. The evening will include a 50/50 raffle, silent auction, and lots of fun with the added bonus of feeling good about supporting our community. Bring your game face, table decorations (because the answer is “yes, of course we’re having a decorating competition based on the theme”), smart cousin, favorite snacks, soft drinks, wine and mixers. There will also be a fabulous prize for the table decorating competition that you’ll want to get your hands on!
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