We’re excited about the Cycle Parade again this year. It will give kids a chance to ride their bikes on Main Street, earn a badge, and potentially get a new bike helmet.
The best part: we’ll give away a bike to the best decorated non-motorized vehicle. Dress up the wagon, skateboard, bike, or…
you get the idea right? in the best sports motif you can envision. It might earn you a new bike!

- When: Saturday, September 18, 2021
- What: Registration is from 8-10 AM, with the parade beginning at 10 AM.
- Who: Everyone is welcome to participate. Just bring your wheels! We ask that all participants 12 and under wear a helmet. We’ll provide helmets for those arriving before the parade as long as supplies last.
- Where: 520 N. Main Street, at the DeSoto Farmers’ Market Pavilion. The street should be closed, but you can access it from Fletcher, Edington, or the alley. Please watch for pedestrians, since it will likely be a very busy day!
- How: by moving your body, silly! And by decorating your bike in the best sports motif every! (Kids will get a badge for participating, and probably a popsicle after we return from our ride down Main Street.)