April 17, 2021
9 AM-1 PM
We’re going to have a craft fair the Saturday before the farmers’ market opens: April 17, 2021. Come get the perfect Mother’s Day gifts, along with great spring and summer items.
Interested in being a vendor? There are regulations for those wishing to vend, and only those with handmade items are welcome to apply. The fee for a space ranges from $20-$25 depending on location and requirements. Twenty-four spaces are available under the pavilion, each measuring 6′ by 9′. There are 6′ between each space as well so that vendors can properly distance. Customers will also have one path through the pavilion and will need to maintain an appropriate social distance. Masks are required. Below is a layout showing the different spaces available.

Under the farmers’ market pavilion at 520 N. Main Street. We’ll see you there!