The Winter Flakes Race is experiencing some changes. Most of them are positive, unless you’re a 10K runner who anticipates a fairly flat course. (More about that some other time…like after the race!) Here are the basics:
- There’s a new course! We will start and end at the DeSoto Farmers’ Market pavilion. This is exciting news. See point 3.
- We have a new Diamond Sponsor! D & S Fencing is our Diamond Sponsor this year. They are great supporters of local events and organizations, and we’re lucky to partner with them this year. If you have a fencing need, give them a shout.
- Do you know what is right next door to the DeSoto Farmers’ Market? Kozzy’s on Main. And Rodney, the proprietor, has agreed to open up the place for packet pick-up on Friday evening before the race and after the race on Saturday as well. In fact, on Saturday, your race bag might contain a coupon that gets you a free cup of hot cocoa or a free beer (depending on your age and preference). Okay, forget the might. He agreed to it, so you’ll find a coupon in your race bag for that. Don’t lose it!
- The last day to register for the race and be guaranteed the long-sleeved t-shirt and get the early bird discount is February 18, 2023. You can register online and get further details here.